Hosted/Background Service in .NET 7 using .NET CLI

In this video, I have covered, 1. Create a new .NET 7 Worker Service using .NET CLI templates 2. Customize the Service to call an external API and capture the response 3. Configuring Cancellation token to cancel the process after certain interval of time 4. Use Cases of using a background service Fake API URL … Continue reading Hosted/Background Service in .NET 7 using .NET CLI

Use DotNet CLI (Command Line Interface) on MacOS to generate, debug and run .NET apps Use DotNet CLI (Command Line Interface) on MacOS to generate, debug and run .NET apps In this video, we will learn how to use DOTNET CLI to create, build, debug and run the .net apps. We will see the debugging through VS Code as the editor.

Web API with .NET 5

Agenda:  In this article, we will learn about RESTful WebAPI with .NET 5 (Successor of .NET Core 3.1). We will create a new WebAPI project with .NET CLI in VS CodeWe will see what's new provided with .NET 5 WebAPI template Tools:  Visual Studio code or any IDE that supports .NET Core SDK.NET 5 SDK … Continue reading Web API with .NET 5